Store locator

What is Store locator type question?

The store locator is designed to help you find the nearest store or outlet. It allows you to find locations of the business within proximity of an address or within a selected region.

How can I add the store locator question to my survey?

Go to

  • Login »  Surveys »  Edit »  Add Question
Click on the Add New Question Button. From Advanced Question Types select Store Locator question type and click on the Save button.
Note: Please insert page break before this question.

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Enter the question text in the question text area, you can set the data collection option as “Store locator” or Address location as per your requirement (by default it is set to Store locator).

Note: Data collections options are explained later in the Help file.

If you want to pre-populate the store name and location, you can do that by setting the values in the Prepopulated Store Name and Prepopulate Store location text boxes respectively and click on Save button.

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The Store locator question will be added to your survey like this.

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How does the two Data Collection types (Store Locator and Address Only) works?

On setting the data collection as “store locator” you can search for the stores within the specified location.

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On setting the data collection as Address Only you can search for that address location. Enter the address in the address text box on click on Search button the Map will be zoom to that location.


There are various settings available with this question type:-

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1. Validation and Display settings:

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  • Validation: You can enable validation and make the question mandatory. You can also validate a character limit as soon as you enable the option.
  • Use predefined no. of stores: If you want respondents to select only N stores out of all the listed stores you can use this validation option. For setting this validation select the value from the drop down, this value in the drop down specify the no of stores you want respondents to select and save the settings.
  • Use no. of stores value from Custom Variable: If you want to set the validation for the store locator question based on the answer of the previous question then you can use this validation option. Set the value in the custom variable index, these values specify the custom variable in which answer of the last question is saved.
  • Javascript: You can code your own javascript validation for the question. Check how
  • Assign Location/Address to Custom Variable:On the Settings screen there is Assign Location/Address to Custom Variable section, select the custom variable from the drop down.

    For example: If the user selects 3 Stores and custom variable selected above is 'custom1'. The store 2 address will be stored in 'custom2', store 3 address in ‘custom3’.

2. Tips:You can add tips on how to take the survey or what exactly the question means so that the respondent finds it easier to respond without any confusion. Check how

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How can you restrict the Address search to the specific country?

Country code option will be available only when the store locator is added to the survey.

  • Login »  Surveys »  (Select Survey) »  Edit Survey »  Add/Edit Questions »  Edit

On this screen there is a text filed Country Code. Enter the country code in the text filed and click on Save Question button.

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Note:Country codes are short 2 letter alphabetic codes developed to represent countries. For e.g. country code for United States is “us”.

How can I set Default Longitude and Default Latitude for the store locator question type?

  • Login »  Surveys »  (Select Survey) »  Edit Survey »  Add/Edit Questions »  Edit

On this screen, enter the values in the default longitude and default latitude text filed and click on Save button.

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How can I export the Store Locator Question data?

To download the reports for store locator question type navigate to Analytics page. Click on Location data option displayed under Text Analytics section and click on download button.

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License and Access Options

This feature/tools described here are available with the following license(s) :

Enterprise Edition

Advanced Toolset and Features

No Long Term Commitment

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