Macro Processing and Custom Reporting Syntax

Note: The Custom Logic/Scoring Engine is available as a REFERENCE and in most cases requires programming from our Professional Service Team. SurveyAnalytics technical support cannot answer questions related to custom scripting.
$survey.getCustomScore(<QUESTION_CODE>) Gets the "AVERAGE" value of the Custom Score for the question with the specific Code
$survey.getCustomScore(<QUESTION_CODE>, <DATA_SEGMENT_CODE>) Gets the "AVERAGE" value of the Custom Score for the question with the specific Code for a particular data segment
$survey.drawCustomChart(<QUESTION_CODE>, <DATA_SEGMENT_CODE>, max) Draw's a Horizontal Bar Graph for the given question, and data segment.
$survey.drawCustomChart(<QUESTION_CODE>, <DATA_SEGMENT_CODE>, max, colorIndex) Draw's a Horizontal Bar Graph for the given question, and data segment. The colorIndex (0-9) specifies the color to use for displaying the chart.
$survey.drawSpotlightChart(<QUESTION_CODE>, <DATA_SEGMENT_CODE>, max, colorIndex) Draw's a Horizontal Bar Graph for the given question with spotlight reporting, and data segment. The colorIndex (0-9) specifies the color to use for displaying the chart.