
NEB Educator Laboratory Materials Support Application

New England Biolabs Inc. (NEB) Educator Laboratory Materials Support Application
(Support Application)
To support science educators passionate about bringing hands-on biology experiences into their classrooms, who otherwise have limited access to basic laboratory equipment, supplies, reagents, and instructional materials (individually and collectively, Laboratory Materials), with a focus on assisting diverse and/or underserved communities.
NEB STEM and Mentorship DE&I team (STEM DE&I Committee) offers the following Support options:
  • Financial support of $1500 or $5000 to purchase Laboratory Materials (each Financial Support); or
  • A miniPCR® Lab in a Box Kit™ #4 from Genes in Space valued at $4990 (Lab in a Box) + 1 hour of training on this equipment + 10% off the cost of the first Learning Lab order. The Lab in a Box Kit™ #4 is a portable kit for teaching molecular biology distributed by Genes in Space/miniPCR®. For more information about the kit, visit this webpage. For information about miniPCR Learning Lab, visit https://www.minipcr.com/products/minipcr-learning-labs/  
to eligible science educators selected by the STEM DE&I Committee at its sole discretion (Recipient(s)), who demonstrate a need for Laboratory Materials to be used in their molecular biology course(s).
Laboratory Materials
Each applicant choosing the Financial Support will provide a list of needed Laboratory Materials up to the corresponding value of the requested Financial Support to the STEM DE&I Committee. If awarded, the STEM DE&I Committee will then purchase the Laboratory Materials, on Recipient’s behalf, up to the maximum value of the allocated Financial Support, and will deliver, at NEB’s expense, the Laboratory Materials to the Recipient’s school to be used by the Recipient for teaching in Recipient’s biology course(s).
For applicants choosing the Lab in a Box, the Lab in a Box will be purchased on Recipient’s behalf and will be delivered to the Recipient’s school.

Applicants must be a middle school or high school science educator teaching in an accredited school located in the United States (US), the District of Columbia (DC), or Puerto Rico (PR) during the current or upcoming school year in which the application is submitted. An applicant may only submit one application during any calendar year. Only one application per school will be considered.
Directors, officers, employees, contractors, and agents of NEB, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and their immediate family and their household members may not apply for Support.
By applying, applicant represents that applicant is not prohibited by law, regulation, contract, policy, or terms of employment from applying and, if applicable, from receiving the Support.  Determination of eligibility and validity of applicant participation and Support selection decisions are at the STEM DE&I Committee’s sole discretion.


How to Apply and the Application
All applications become the property of NEB and will not be returned. Applications submitted beyond the Eligibility requirements are void. Applications must: (a) be applicant’s original work product, including not generated by any artificial intelligence program; (b) be solely owned by applicant and with no other person or entity having any right or interest in it; and (c) not violate any third-party rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, contract, and/or publicity or privacy rights, of any other person or entity.

Application Time Frame and STEM DE&I Committee Contact
Applicants will receive an emailed notice of confirmation upon successful application submittal.
Within 60 days* of application submission, the STEM DE&I Committee will evaluate an eligible application with consideration given to the impact level on the underserved community that this Support will provide, the vision of the experimental project and the degree of need for the Laboratory Materials Support and make a Support determination. The STEM DE&I Committee may contact the applicant with any additional questions or request supplemental information, each of which may prolong the application review process. 
Applicants whose Support requests are not funded will be notified by email, using the email address used by the applicant to apply.
Recipients of Support will be notified by email with the details of the allocated Support and the associated terms and conditions for receipt of the Support, using the email address used by the applicant to apply.
Please email the STEM DE&I Committee with any application or Support related questions at stem_ed@neb.com.
*Typical time frame; the actual application evaluation and Support determination process may vary.

General Terms and Conditions
NEB reserves the right at its sole discretion to: cancel, suspend, change and/or modify the Support program, application, application process, evaluation, and/or determination, or any part of it, with such change effective immediately upon posting to this webpage, if applicable; determine the eligibility of an applicant or Recipient; and disqualify any person it finds to be tampering with the application process or the operation of the Support or to be acting in violation of the Support program terms or in a disruptive manner.