Engagement - Live Discussion

Live Discussions - Real-Time Focus Groups

What is a Live Discussion?

Live DIscussions are online chat sessions where the moderator(i.e. the Panel Owner) decided a date and time for users to participate. The moderator can schedule Live Discussions and also post videos, monitor the discussion and generate reports.

How can members access the Live Discussion?

On the Panel Portal, if the Live Discussions tab is enabled, on clicking it the members will be able to join from a list of current active discussions.

What is an active discussion?

While creating a discussion, select Active as the status of the Live Discussion if you want members to be able to participate/join. Once at a later stage you decide you want to close the discussion and not permit further participation, you can update the status to Closed.

When does a Live Discussion time-out?

The Live Discussion will be visible on the panel portal as long as the status is Active and the start time assigned to the Discussion has elapsed.

Other than chatting between members, what else can be relayed through the Live DIscussion?

The panel admin can post whiteboard content which can contain html. So for eg. if you want to post a video, its embed code can be placed in the whiteboard content and the same will be relayed.

You can also clear the session as deemed appropriate.

You may also generate transcript reports which will contain the entire chat transcript, the participant member profiles and data analysis of the participants.


Panel Recruitment Portal

Create a panel recruitment portal using a point and click interface

Portal Customization - CSS/Logo

Customize the look and feel to match your company's website.

API Integration

Integrate with your software/system using API.

Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics Integration for insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.

Broadcast Email

Ability to communicate with all your members via email.

Image library

Upload/manage images/logos for use on the portal, surveys, emails, etc.