The panel management solution from MicroPanel gives you many opportunities to build, customize, engage, and analyze your panel. Whether you already have your own list of customers or need to recruit your panel, Micropanel has the tools and services that can support communities from start to finish.
Deeper insights into what your target customers really think. Fast, easy way to connect and interact with them.
White Label your portal with your own Custom Domain.
The leading smartphone sample provider and panel management platform, you can know what your respondents think instantly.
With tracking you can see how a particular respondent answered a survey. Survey tracking allows you to reward your respondents.
Easily customize virtually every aspect of the portal to match your company website.
Use profiling surveys to make the most out of your member profiles. Create representative samples through our extended profiling survey feature.
Connect with your world in more than a traditional way. Integrate your portal with Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter.
Upload/manage images/logos for use on the portal, surveys, emails, etc.
Allow your members to interact with each other. Get instant opinions feedback through quick questionnaire.
Easy point and click interface to recruit and maintain your own online panel for feedback.
Ability to communicate with all your members via emails.
Google Analytics Integration for insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.
We know that a strong community creates a stronger economy. We provide information, research, insight and analysis for.
Sampling provide real time filtered data based on the selection of criteria.
Provide insights into your Panel Signups and Surveys conducted.
A demographic profile can be used to determine when and where advertising should be placed so as to achieve maximum results
Using Referral tracking , you can track where your users are signing up from
Email List Management Search and Drill Down Per Email Address
Real-time Reporting for insights regarding Signup and Dropout Trend Report for Panel. Latest updates of recent user activity.
Studies show that incentives, small token, gift certificate, etc., can increase responses considerably..
Integrate with your software/system using API.
Be Connect to your Community on the go
Connect with your world in more than a traditional way. Integrate your portal with Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter.
Personalize cool graphical likeness for you Community
To incentivize participation, you can setup a point system where points are awarded based on interaction
Automated Email Batches, Automated respondent identification
Studies show that incentives, small token, gift certificate, etc., can increase responses considerably..
Members can post your comments/ open ended feedback here on the topics initiated by the administrators.
Live Discussions are online chat sessions where the moderator(i.e. the Panel Owner) decided a date and time for users to participate.
Community questions allow the panel member to know what his peers in the panel are thinking; in a way interact with the members
Badges will be awarded to the member that has achieved certain Points through Interactive Point System