Sentiment indicators are employed in Survey data analysis to quantify the levels of optimism or pessimism present in your potential markets. They attempt to gauge the over all mood of the market. Generally speaking when a sentiment indicator shows an abundance of optimism, investors are wise to approach that market with a higher degree of caution. At first glance this may sound counterintuitive but if the vast majority of investors are very optimistic then it follows that the vast majority of investors are probably fully invested.
Sentiment Analysis tool
Sentiment analysis involves classifying opinions in text into categories like "positive" or "negative" often with an implicit category of "neutral". A classic sentiment application would be tracking what your respondents are saying about your product/ service. Survey Analytics gets you the Voice of your Customers.
What is Sentiment Analysis?
It's a technique to detect favorable and unfavorable opinions toward specific subjects (such as organizations and their products) within large numbers of documents offers enormous opportunities for various applications. It would provide powerful functionality for competitive analysis, marketing analysis, and detection of unfavorable rumors for risk management.
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